President/CEO: Please complete the following below: The information provided by you enables BEST Trust Fund to best meet your particular market needs in terms of current and future financing solutions programs and products The type of your business (select from below): OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) Enter a brief description of your company below:
Would you, your partners and or associates be interested participating in a private equity fund (as investor/partner) with the fund backed with public and or private insurance and guarantees against political and commercial risks in emerging markets developments (deals)? YesNo
If “Yes”, please check kind of investor/partner: IndividualInstitutionalPension FundsSpecial Tax-Exempt Not for Profit OrganizationsUniversitiesChurches521(a)s
Signed: Date:
Please list the countries in which you are currently operating: In which countries are you most interested?
Would you extend exclusivities to markets? YesOther
BEST ISP Services Classification is required of entities market access, market development and any advisory services.Classification Advisory(s) is as Fee for Services Schedule.